Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Time wasted on fools...
I was listening to the radio in the car today, and they were talking a bit about how sometimes total strangers or even people you know will randomly come up and criticize your parenting. "You're feeding that baby wrong", "You've got to get him sleeping on schedule", "Why isn't she wearing a hat in this weather?" et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.
They asked for the biblical perspective on how to respond in these type of situations. I usually refrain from bringing up religion, but hopefully whatever your personal beliefs may be, you can acknowledge there is *some* wisdom to be found in the Bible. *end disclaimer*
A verse they quoted was this:
"Do not rebuke a fool or he will hate you;
rebuke a wise man and he will love you."
I like how the Message version of the Bible elaborates on this:
"If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you'll get slapped in the face;
confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins.
So don't waste your time on a scoffer;
all you'll get for your pains is abuse.
But if you correct those who care about life,
that's different—they'll love you for it!
Save your breath for the wise—they'll be wiser for it;
tell good people what you know—they'll profit from it."
I can especially relate to this in the world of Facebook and blogging. There are some people that are truly impossible to reason and communicate with.
They talked about how we need to consider the type of person we are talking with in the situation. There are times when we can just politely (or not, lol) blow a person off because they would never hear us through their ignorance anyway, and other times when we may be able to say "Thanks for your concern, but actually here's what we do and why..." and be met with understanding and respect by a wise person. There are some fools though, that no matter what you say and do, will always find a way to hate on you for it. They may even dig their heels into their foolish ways even more just to spite you for daring to disagree. An example would be the mothers on facebook discussion boards I've seen say things like "I can't wait to circumcise my kid just to piss people like you off". Yeah. Those discussions are definitely time wasted on fools. Especially after a few hundred mind-numbing pages of their idiocy, lol.
Anyhoo, just some scattered late night thoughts, and I'd love to hear yours :-)
They asked for the biblical perspective on how to respond in these type of situations. I usually refrain from bringing up religion, but hopefully whatever your personal beliefs may be, you can acknowledge there is *some* wisdom to be found in the Bible. *end disclaimer*
A verse they quoted was this:
"Do not rebuke a fool or he will hate you;
rebuke a wise man and he will love you."
I like how the Message version of the Bible elaborates on this:
"If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you'll get slapped in the face;
confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins.
So don't waste your time on a scoffer;
all you'll get for your pains is abuse.
But if you correct those who care about life,
that's different—they'll love you for it!
Save your breath for the wise—they'll be wiser for it;
tell good people what you know—they'll profit from it."
I can especially relate to this in the world of Facebook and blogging. There are some people that are truly impossible to reason and communicate with.
They talked about how we need to consider the type of person we are talking with in the situation. There are times when we can just politely (or not, lol) blow a person off because they would never hear us through their ignorance anyway, and other times when we may be able to say "Thanks for your concern, but actually here's what we do and why..." and be met with understanding and respect by a wise person. There are some fools though, that no matter what you say and do, will always find a way to hate on you for it. They may even dig their heels into their foolish ways even more just to spite you for daring to disagree. An example would be the mothers on facebook discussion boards I've seen say things like "I can't wait to circumcise my kid just to piss people like you off". Yeah. Those discussions are definitely time wasted on fools. Especially after a few hundred mind-numbing pages of their idiocy, lol.
Anyhoo, just some scattered late night thoughts, and I'd love to hear yours :-)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Giveaway Index (Freebie Friday)
The following giveaways are open until 12am Wednesday June 30th (pacific time)
The winners will be announced here, so bookmark it and come back and check just in case the winner notification email ends up in your spam!
Do NOT leave your entries on this post, click the link under each item to enter to win.
Enjoy, and good luck!

An Island in the Sun Children's book
Enter to win (HERE)

Reusable sandwich bag, your print choice
Enter to win (HERE)

Custom soaker or shorties
Enter to win (HERE)

Humorous potty decal, your choice
Enter to win (HERE)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Well, Thursday was a fantastic day :-) Not only did I turn the big 25 (with carrot cake brought to me in bed, yum!), but I got to celebrate the Saving Penises benefit auction ending with the highest bids totaling $1,057.25!!!
Come on, do a happy dance with me!!!
That's enough to fund 81 info packs, assuming every one follows through with their bids. SP is getting more and more requests all the time, so this was very much needed! I was so nervous that my idea would bomb terribly, but this just goes to show how very awesome my fellow intactivists are!!! A huge thank you to Lauren J. of K.N.O.W for putting together the website and all the posts for the auction, and of course to Danelle Frisbie of for being the genius and ultimate giving heart that started the distribution of the info packs in the first place!
(note: if you were a winning bidder, you have been sent an email from me, so please check your inbox, or your spam in case it ended up there. If we don't hear back from you within 3 days, the item will have to go to the next highest bidder)
None of this would have been possible without so many businesses and individuals stepping up and donating their items. I'd like to send up a big THANK YOU to all of them! I encourage you to check out their sites. Who better to buy from than a business that supports such a great cause?!
If you'd like to donate an item to next month's auction, please email
Veronica Lacquement
Also a big thank you to all the bidders! Not sure how you all feel about having your names shared here, so just know that we really REALLY appreciate you :-)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Children at Birth
Something important we had to ask ourselves when pregnant with our 2nd child was whether we'd have our first child (newly 3 years old when baby was "due") present for the birth. We sat down and discussed it with our midwife who has 8 children of her own and a few grandchildren. All of them,except the youngest of course, had seen the births of their younger siblings and the experiences had all been positive. As a midwife, she had also attended countless births with children present. She talked about how she believes it eases the transition, and made it more real for the children to see that baby was truly part of mommy, not just something they picked up at a store! It had been my gut instinct to want our whole little family together for it if possible, and it was nice to hear that so many others had positive experiences with it.
I watched a LOT of home and water births online and my daughter was often right there with me, always watching raptly and responding with an "awww, pretty baby!" as soon as the tiny little messes made their way into the world. I loved how she could see past all the goo and sometimes screaming, and just see the beauty of what was happening. When we first watched one where the mother was making some intense birthing noises, I explained to her that was because she was working hard. I had her pick up something kind of heavy, and when she made a little grunt, I pointed it out to her. I said "see, sometimes we make noises when we work hard. Mommies work VERY hard to get the babies out, so that is why sometimes the noises are loud". I told her that the blood wasn't the same kind of blood from "owies". It didn't mean the mommy and baby were hurt. She told me she knew that already. How silly of me, lol. She watched all those videos with me like it was the most normal thing in the world, which it is, but I was surprised at how none of it ever seemed to alarm or confuse her. I just let her see all the realities of birth in those videos and she just took her cues from me and stayed calm but interested and often even deeply touched. I wanted her first exposures to birth to be "real", and not Hollywood horror-stories.
Our plan was to follow her cues and let her be present when/if she was comfortable. We had a family member who was prepared to come to us when it was time, and be our daughter's "partner" through it all. She'd be cared for so we could focus, and her partner would be there to answer questions, or take her elsewhere if she wanted to. She would be free to come in and out as she felt comfortable, unless I ended up needing my space and some quiet time, then she could be taken to the park or to a family member's house.
Unfortunately, some things didn't go as planned. My premature and prolonged rupture of membranes without contractions, and subsequent decision to birth with my midwife at the center instead of our home threw things off a bit. Since my labor wasn't starting after my waters broke, we had no idea how long it would take, so our daughter was taken to her aunt's house nearby so she could eat/sleep/play/etc. It ended up taking a couple of days, and when labor finally started it went too quickly for them to get our daughter out of bed and to the birthing center. Alas! We were sad she missed the opportunity, but we went home soon after birth and she got to meet her baby sister when she was still fairly fresh ;-)
I myself missed my baby brother's birth by just a minute! I was 8 at the time, and my mother had him in just one contraction! My grandmother and I made it to the door just in time to hear his first cries. I have yet to be physically present for any birth but my own, but my best friend has invited me to be at hers, so I may finally get the chance soon! I toss around the idea of being a doula when my children are older, but I suppose I won't know for sure until the time comes.
Anyhoo, I hope that having your older child/ren present for your future births is something you would consider if circumstances allow. I hope our future generations can grow up understanding birth instead of fearing it as the media and doctors seem to want us to, and knowing the unique experience of seeing how their siblings enter the world. I think it may also give them a whole new respect for mommy and what she does ;-)
Here are a few stories and photos shared by my readers. Enjoy and feel free to add your own in the comments section!
(click photos to enlarge)
"My daughter was born at home in October and my son was there for all of it. It was all a fairly low key affair. I was doing hypnobabies so it was very quiet. We had a friend come over to hang out with West. I went into labor around 5:30 pm and my son just played as normal until it was time for his bed time, which was around 8 pm. It was weird, normally he can be very clingy to mommy and daddy, but on this day it was like he sensed something profound was happening and gave both me and my husband some space. At 7:50 pm my husband left me in the birthing tub to go help with putting West.... we thought we still had hours to go, as labor had not gotten even remotely hard yet, and John didn't want to miss out of West's bedtime routine. At 8 pm my husband came back to the birth tub and 2 mins later Mabel was born... two very intense non-pushing contractions and bam she was out. Since West wasn't yet asleep we got him out of bed and brought him downstairs to meet his sister just 10 mins after she was born." -Kimberly
"My daughter was 25 months old when my son was born at home. We wanted her to see him come out because both my husband and I thought it must be strange for kids for siblings just to appear one day. We prepared by watching every baby show on TLC (so she knows all about c-sections now too) and homebirth on YouTube. She now says "Baby come!" when she hears the sounds of a laboring woman on TV. I wanted to make sure my moans and screams wouldn't scare her--that she would associate it with happiness.
I knew I wouldn't be able to handle her being around during labor though, so we planned for my parents to be in charge of her for those hours. Luckily, I ended up laboring from midnight to 7am, so she slept the entire time. When the head was (finally) visible, we called for my parents to bring her in. I like a party for the actual birth! They held her as she watched me push him out. We still dealt with jealousy, but she knew we couldn't put him back!" -Aimee,
"My then 3 year old was present for his little brother's birth in August '09. It was great. We had talked a lot about how I was going to probably holler and that he baby would come out of my hoo hoo and that he was welcome to be there but if he didn't want to he could go somewhere with Grandma or Grandpa (I gave birth at their house) in the end, my water broke at 5 am ish, so he was woken up by the commotion and he was just super excited about being woken up in the middle of the night. He hung around for most of it, I guess for a little bit he watched cartoons with grandpa in the next room, but I remember him being there through the thick of it and only once did he look a little concerned - I smiled and told him it was OK I was just yelling 'cause it made me feel better, and he smiled and was totally relieved. He was there as Boone came out. I think it went great. He isn't too freaked out by that kind of stuff though, I can see how other kids might be more sensitive and upset by the whole thing. I think just playing it by ear and having somebody available to take them away from it if they want to get away is the best way to go.
-Dylan Branson

-Dylan Branson
"My son was four when my daughter was born. I decided to have a water birth at home with my daughter, so this obviously meant my son would be there. We prepared him for what he would see by talking to him about birth, explaining all the noises mommies make when they are in labor and giving birth and just what to expect in general. He also attended all of the prenatal visits with our midwife and she always included him. Also, we showed him a lot of water birth videos so he could see for himself what was going to happen. It was very important to us that he think of everything as normal and natural, and not fear mommy was sick or something was wrong. I went into labor around 2:00 in the morning, my doula got there around 3:00 am and my midwife around 4 am. I'm guessing my son probably woke up somewhere around 6 am and he just watched quietly as the process unfolded. He sat at the side of the tub and wasn't scared and knew he would be greeting his baby sister soon. My daughter was born at 8:24 am and he was right there to greet her along with my husband. It was very nice to have our entire family immediately there, going through that process together, and I do feel it caused a deeper bond between them. After she was born my son always referred to her as "my baby." The other benefit of this? Since my son has seen, from a very early age, normal birth not treated like a sickness or something to be ashamed of he looks at it as a natural part of every day life. He can tell you many things about pregnancy and birth that a good percentage of adult males could not. If he ever grows up to get married and / or have a baby, he will already be informed and won't be one of those guys going, "Ewww, this is gross!! What if I pass out? Yuck, is that amniotic fluid?" In my career, working in labor and delivery, I deal with men like that all the time and am always grateful some poor woman will never have to put up with that from my son!" -Tatum
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It's Happening!
My little dream is becoming a reality! Many amazing people have pitched in. Lauren Jenks of K.N.O.W. created a Saving Penises website and jumped right on board when I brought up the idea of a benefit auction. Then many great crafters, WAHM's, and businesses generously pitched in to donate their items!
There are an average of 15 requests for the information packs every week, each one costing $13 to produce and ship. Anyone can donate to the cause at any time, or even join the Buck-a-Month Club to make regular contributions, but more help is needed! The info packs have been extremely effective at educating parents. *Every* family that has actually looked over the information has chosen to keep their child intact. You can read some of the touching testimonies here.
The auction will run from Thursday June 17th to Thursday June 24th, and 100% of the proceeds will go to Saving Penises.
Between Danelle of Peaceful Parenting, Lauren of K.N.O.W, and myself, this intactivist effort spans the U.S. I hope that with this auction, the support will come from all over the globe. This is your chance to donate to an important cause AND get something really cool in return :-)
Click here to visit the auction and see all the awesomeness available!
Please tell your friends. Although you may not want them to outbid you, lol, competition is healthy for the cause.
An important note if you bid: please add the auction's email address to your contacts. If you're the winning bidder, we need to be able to reach you without it ending up in your spam! If we don't hear back from you within 3 days, the item will have to go to the next highest bidder.
There are an average of 15 requests for the information packs every week, each one costing $13 to produce and ship. Anyone can donate to the cause at any time, or even join the Buck-a-Month Club to make regular contributions, but more help is needed! The info packs have been extremely effective at educating parents. *Every* family that has actually looked over the information has chosen to keep their child intact. You can read some of the touching testimonies here.
The auction will run from Thursday June 17th to Thursday June 24th, and 100% of the proceeds will go to Saving Penises.
Between Danelle of Peaceful Parenting, Lauren of K.N.O.W, and myself, this intactivist effort spans the U.S. I hope that with this auction, the support will come from all over the globe. This is your chance to donate to an important cause AND get something really cool in return :-)
Click here to visit the auction and see all the awesomeness available!
Please tell your friends. Although you may not want them to outbid you, lol, competition is healthy for the cause.
An important note if you bid: please add the auction's email address to your contacts. If you're the winning bidder, we need to be able to reach you without it ending up in your spam! If we don't hear back from you within 3 days, the item will have to go to the next highest bidder.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Winning Wednesday!
WINNERS: I will be notifying the companies of who you are, so please keep an eye out in your email for a message from them so they can get your shipping address from you! Be sure to check your spam box too, just in case it ends up there.
Please note that if you entered from a country that was specified to NOT be eligible for the giveaway you entered, another winner will be chosen. If you didn’t win, there will be more giveaways coming on Friday, so keep an eye out! I also linked to each giver’s website below if you’re interested in their amazing stuff.
(any person/company wishing to donate for an up-coming Freebie Friday, please leave me a comment with your email and I’ll write you, or you can contact me via Facebook)

The winner is: Danielle,

The winner is: Chelsea,

The winner is: Angel,

The winner is: Julia,
Monday, June 14, 2010
Paper or Plastic? Neither! Give Me Cloth.
Today I would like to welcome Dionna, who has written a guest post on an easy way your family can go green. Dionna is a lawyer turned work at home mama of an amazing son. You can normally find Dionna over at Code Name: Mama where she shares information, resources, and her thoughts on natural parenting (including intactivism and lactivism issues) and life with a toddler (including lots of toddler/preschooler activities).
If going green were easy and saved us lots of money while also rescuing our landfills from needless waste and our environment from harmful chemicals, everyone would be doing it, right?
Well, one can always hope.
Going green isn’t always as easy or affordable as the average American consumer would like. Sorting recyclables? Too sticky. Turning the A/C down in the summer? Too hot. Cloth diapering? Too much laundry. Carpooling or taking public transportation? Too inconvenient.
But I have one green idea that fulfills all of the required conditions on the average American consumer’s checklist:
What is this miracle of greenness? Cloth. Cloth wipes and towels can replace at least five paper products in your house: cloth towels can replace paper towels, paper napkins, and Kleenex, and smaller cloth wipes (or "family cloth") can replace toilet paper and disposable baby wipes. (1) Let’s examine the excellent reasons your family should consider making the switch to cloth wipes.
Environmental & Health Concerns
The environmental and health impacts of switching to cloth wipes are easily seen in at least three areas: chemicals, packaging, and paper waste.
Chemicals: Dioxin “is one of the most toxic human-made chemicals.” Dioxin is made during manufacturing when the pulp is bleached so that our toilet paper, baby wipes, paper towels, etc. will be white. And once dioxin is released into the environment, it is there for good (until it gets into our food supply, of course), because natural bacteria cannot break it down. (2) Dioxin was the primary toxic substance in Agent Orange, and it has been linked to cancer, reproductive and developmental problems, birth defects, diabetes, immune system suppression, fertility problems, and more.
Perhaps more disturbing are the chemicals found in leading baby wipes. Some wipes contain chemicals that are highly toxic, linked to cancer, associated with hormone disruptors and developmental/reproductive problems, and/or are allergenic. And these chemicals are used in some of the most sensitive areas of our children's bodies.
Packaging: Packaging makes up 30-40% (a third!) of all trash. That is incredible! The packaging on most toilet paper, paper napkins, and paper towels isn't terribly elaborate, but when you consider that the average American uses over 100 single rolls of toilet paper and 2,200 napkins each year, that adds up to a lot of multipacks which are all conveniently wrapped in plastic. Plastic, as you probably know, is made using oil - the same stuff that's currently choking our Gulf.
Even worse than the soft plastic packages are the hard plastic disposable wipes containers. At best, parents who use disposable wipes buy only a few plastic boxes of wipes and then buy refills (also encased in plastic packaging). But parents could conceivably buy a new plastic box of wipes each time they run out. Now that is a lot of wasted plastic. (3)
Paper Waste: So how much waste do Americans produce in toilet paper alone? How about 15,202,986,200 pounds (yes, that is over 15 billion): today, the average American uses over 50 pounds of toilet paper each year. (4) The effects of switching to a toilet paper alternative are dramatic: If every person in the U.S. traded one regular roll of toilet paper for a recycled roll, we could save 1.2 million cubic feet of landfill space (as well as 470,000 trees and 169 million gallons of water).
Now let's talk about baby wipes. Did you know that every child in disposables will add an average of 3,796 diapers to our landfills in roughly 2.5 years? (5) Let's assume parents will use one disposable baby wipe for every diaper change, then add a few more wipes in for all of those dirty mouths and fingers that our babies and toddlers inevitably sport. Every parent is looking at using at least 4,000 disposable baby wipes per child. 4,000 wipes plus their packaging for every child in the U.S.
And what about paper napkins? "During an average year, an American uses approximately 2,200 napkins — around six each day. If everyone in the U.S. used one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year."
And where does all of this plastic and paper end up? Much of it can be found in our landfills. (Unfortunately, disposable wipes cannot be recycled or composted.)
When you are faced with the choice of paper or plastic, say no to both: choose cloth.
As a country, we spend more than $6 billion dollars on toilet paper every year. Americans send 3,000 tons of paper towels to landfills each day. If your household uses a roll of paper towels per week, you could save more than $100 per year by switching to cloth towels/wipes.
I can't find an average dollar figure per household for all personal paper products, but you can see how the dollars add up if you are using 4000 wipes per child (during the diapering years), 100 single rolls of toilet paper for every family member, 2,200 napkins per person, and an unknown amount of paper towels and Kleenex each year.
We are literally flushing a ridiculous amount of money down the toilet (or throwing it in the trash can, as the case may be for disposable wipes, napkins, and paper towels).
"If every household replaced just a single twelve-roll pack of regular bathroom tissue with a recycled variety, it would save almost five million trees and enough paper waste to fill seventeen thousand garbage trucks." (6) "If each household in the U.S. replaced just one roll of 180 sheet virgin fiber paper towels with 100% recycled ones, we could save: 864,00 trees; 3.4 million cubic feet of landfill space, equal to 3,900 full garbage trucks; and 354 million gallons of water, a year’s supply for 10,100 families of four."
We may not be saving the world, but think about what we could save by switching to cloth!
- Using cloth will save the environment from the harmful chemicals released during the manufacturing process of paper.
- Using cloth will save your child from exposure to the toxic chemicals found in many disposable wipes.
- Using cloth will reduce your plastic consumption.
- Using cloth will reduce your contribution to our overcrowded landfills.
- Using cloth will save you hundreds of dollars over the years.
The switch to cloth wipes and towels is easy. Here are a few tips that we have found useful in our house.
- Keep a reusable shopping bag or other container in the bathroom. We hang a Chico bag up on the bathroom door for family cloth and toss it in the diaper pail on laundry day.
- Wash with your regular laundry. If you are laundering cloth diapers, definitely throw the family cloth in with the diapers. But if you are done with diapers and you are only using your cloth wipes for the easy jobs, just toss them in with your normal wash. (In our house, we use cloth for potty and regular TP for poo. How's that for TMI?!) Don't let the thought of washing family cloth gross you out, think of it this way: when your child wets her pants or the bed, you don't think twice about sticking the soiled laundry in the washer, right? Cloth wipes are no different. Cloth towels used as napkins, Kleenex, or paper towels can go in with your regular laundry as well.
- Make homemade wipe solution. For cloth diapering families, there's no reason you can't use cloth wipes for the messy clean-up jobs, just keep a spray bottle with homemade wipe solution handy. I make mine using water, a few drops of tea tree oil, and a few drops of lavender essential oil.
- Get enough wipes and towels for your family. For family cloth, I have about 50 cloth wipes in circulation for our family of three with one in diapers. I do cloth diaper laundry every other day, and I am often close to running out of wipes if I wait too long between loads. I have at least 30 cloth towels. We use them for tea towels, as paper towel/napkin replacements, Kleenex, and I keep a few in the backpack and car for random spills. When my son was younger they doubled as burp rags.
- They don't need to be fancy. Sure cute wipes/towels are fun, but if you are on a budget there is no reason to spend a lot of money on cloth. Many of our cloth towels are cheap prefold diapers that I dyed. You can cut up old t-shirts for wipes or towels or use an economy size package of soft wash cloths.
Do you use cloth wipes and towels? If so, please leave your experiences in the comments.
Do you have questions about switching to cloth? Please leave a comment here or on my Facebook page so that we can share your question and everyone's responses with other readers - I am happy to help!
Be sure to look for my cloth wipe and cloth towel giveaway in the Saving Penises online auction this week! (7)
(1) This guest post is based in part on an article I wrote about the history of toilet paper and the benefits of cloth wipes.
(2) To learn more about dioxin and the manufacturing process, check out "Toilet Paper and the Environment," "Baby Wipes," and "Paper Towels."
(3) For more on why reducing your consumption of plastics can help the environment, start with this easy to read site from the Earth Resource Foundation: Campaign Against the Plastic Plague Background Info
(4) That’s my calculation. The current U.S. population is 304,059,724; I just multiplied that by 50 to get an approximate total number of pounds per year for everyone. I've also found conflicting information on that 50 pound figure - some sites maintain we use 50 lbs of TP, some say that the 50 lbs includes TP, facial tissue, and napkins. Regardless, it would be nice to replace some of that usage with cloth.
(5) For more on the environmental impact of disposable v. cloth diapers, see "Why We Chose Cloth Diapers, Part 1" on Go Green Street.
(6) Rogers, Elizabeth & Kostigen, Thomas M., “The Green Book” at 66 (2007)
(7) I make my own cloth wipes and towels (the ones in the pictures above are mine), and I'd be happy to sell you some! I don't have an Etsy store, so you'll have to contact methrough email to order.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Giveaway Index (Freebie Friday)
The following giveaways are open until 12am Wednesday June 9th (pacific time)
The winners will be announced here, so bookmark it and come back and check just in case the winner notification email ends up in your spam!
My main site is still, but it’s being iffy with comments, so the giveaways are posted here this week.
Do NOT leave your entries on this post, click the link under each item to enter to win.
Enjoy, and good luck!

Bloomin Belly Soap
Enter to win (HERE)

Birth Preparation Course
Enter to win (HERE)

Your choice of shell necklace
Enter to win (HERE)

Cloth Pads, gift certificate
Enter to win (HERE)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Making a Difference
Hello all my lovely readers! I have a very important project I'd like to run past you guys :-)
As you know, intactivism is a cause I really care about. Saving Penises distributes information packs and dvd's to educate parents about circumcision and the prepuce. It has been *extremely* successful at preventing parents from circumcising their baby boys. EVERYONE that has actually looked at the information has chosen to keep their child intact. This is a huge deal! Saving Penises is a non-profit, and never turns down anyone that requests a packet but cannot afford the cost of the materials.
Here's my idea! I would like to hold an online benefit auction with all proceeds going to Saving Penises!
We would need businesses that would be willing to donate their items for this. In return, you'll be getting exposure to thousands and thousands of people! I have over 5,600 facebook fans, Peaceful Parenting (run by Danelle Frisbie who distributes the circ info packs) has over 11,000, and Saving Penises has over 2,200. That's not to mention all the non-facbeook blog followers that PP and I have! It's basically cheap advertising for you AND a chance to help a great cause :-) If you'd be willing to participate in this, please leave me a comment below with your facebook or email contact info, or contact me directly on my personal facebook (HERE)
To all my other readers, I'd really like to know if this is something you'd be willing to participate in! We're thinking about taking bids via comments for a set period of time. The comments will be visible to everyone, and when the auction closes, the item will go to the highest bidder of course. You'll get your awesome item, and 100% of your money will go to Saving Penises to help keep baby boys intact :-)
We can only succeed at this if you guys are willing to get involved, so I hope you will! We have the opportunity to impact a lot of lives here.
A Saving Penises website is in the works, and soon you'll be able to read all the success stories in one place, in addition to all the other info that will be compiled there.
Please comment with your thoughts on this and whether you'd be interested in being a bidder or a donating business :-)
Happy Winning Wednesday!
WINNERS: I will be notifying the
companies of who you are, so please keep an eye out in your email for a
message from them so they can get your shipping address from you! Be
sure to check your spam box too, just in case it ends up there
note that if you entered from a country that was specified to NOT be
eligible for the giveaway you entered, another winner will be chosen.
If you didn’t win, there will be more giveaways coming on Friday, so
keep an eye out! I also linked to each giver’s website below if you’re
interested in their amazing stuff.
(any person/company wishing to donate for
an up-coming Freebie Friday, please leave me a comment with your email
and I’ll write you, or you can contact me via Facebook)

size/print choice of Green Line
WINNER is: Katie,

from Kara's Creations
The WINNER is: Gretchen,

gift certificate to Little
WINNER is: Jodi,

Honey Sugar
Scrub from Little
WINNER is: heather m,

Boobie Beanie
customized for you
The WINNER is:
Your choice of upcycled diaper cover from Nerdtastic
WINNER is: Rebecca,

Your choice of Barefoot Book up
to $19.99
The WINNER is: Denelle,

Breastfeeding pendant
from Fyrestorm
WINNER is: stephanie,

Penn & Teller DVD from
"His body, His choice"
is: Elizabeth,
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The Vital Babymoon7 months ago
UPDATE10 years ago