Sunday, March 20, 2011
Life-Saving Milk Needed in Canada
This beautiful little girl is named Anaya. She is in desperate need of breastmilk to keep her alive! There are some things you can do to help (even if you can't donate milk), but first, here is a little bit about her:
"Baby Anaya was diagnosed in May 2010 with Infantile Krabbe Leukodystrophy. She first started showing symptoms in February of 2010 at the age of 4 months. This rare disease causes demylination in the brain due to lack of a specific enzyme required to metabolize fats. It can strike families with no medical history of any neurological problems. Two healthy parents who both carry a recessive gene for this enzyme deficiency can produce a perfectly healthy looking newborn, who, at the age of three or four months, will begin showing symptoms of Krabbe Leukodystrophy.
The outlook for kids with Krabbe is bleak. In most cases a baby diagnosed with infantile Krabbe will develop normally for a few months and then lose their motor skills, the ability to hold their heads up, the ability to smile, laugh or speak, followed by loss of sight and hearing. Seizures may or may not occur and average life expectancy is less than 2 years.
Over the past year since Anaya's birth she gained some skills and lost them. She is fed through a nasogastric tube and is now seemingly blind. She struggles mostly with excessive mucous production in her throat which sometimes blocks her airway.
Anaya is fed breastmilk from her mother and from Nelson Area milky moms who have donated their liquid gold to help her."
For more details, visit their blog:
Now... how can YOU help?
A friend of theirs writes:
"I promised this little girls mother I would exhaust every avenue I had of getting the word out that her baby daughter (who has a fatal disease and has already lived 5 months past her prognosis solely because of the breastmilk her mother has fought to feed and save her with) is in DESPERATE need of donated breastmilk (within Canada, customs will not allow it over borders) and/or monetary donations (donations can be made thru link) to buy breast pumps and pay for shipping of donated breastmilk from out of area mamas who are giving her their milk because it has literally saved her life up to this point and she cannot tolerate anything but human breastmilk and cannot live without it. Here is the request written by her mother:
I'm looking for donations of breatmilk for my daughter Anaya. She is terminally ill with Krabbe Leukodystrophy. We were told to expect her to die at 13 months. She is now 18 months old thanks to BREASTMILK. She does not tolerate formula. Please, please help me keep my baby alive. We will have it shipped from any major city in Canada. Contact me at or atwww.healinganaya.blogspot.
PLEASE help in any way you can! If you have any questions or if there is anything you can do, comment below and I will contact you. You can also write her directly thru her email listed above or her blog. Please go to her link and donate if at all possible. This mama needs help saving her baby and I pray that we can find a way to help her do that! If you cannot donate, please know that just re-posting this and spreading the word that this baby is in need brings her one step closer to receiving the help she deserves and that is such a wonderful gift and means more than you know! Thanks mama! You are all amazing! ♥ Much love!
(Just so you know: She is already associated with Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global (and her local network) and cannot get enough milk to sustain her daughter within her area which is why she needs any and all help she can get. Thanks so much again for your concern, everyone!!!!)"
Update from their friend with a few more details:
She lives in Nelson, British Columbia (Canada) and breast milk donations (frozen, fresh or on demand if close by) from within Canada would absolutely amazing (and she will work out ways to get it shipped from major cities in Canada to her, etc.) and monetary donations from anyone, anywhere who can help are greatly needed and appreciated and taken through her website- www.healinganaya.blogspot.
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Thanks for sharing this story.
I will also be sharing on my blog in hopes that this family will get some much needed support!
Many prayers going out.
I have read this blog, and read the mothers as well. I am a mother of a son who is 20 months of age, and my heart goes out to this young beautiful girl, and her family. I wish I had of known of this sooner, as I have stopped breastfeeding in Sept 2010...I would've continued to pump for this gorgeous girl. I am terribly sorry that I cannot help, and I wish I could give more then what I can, but I did post this to my facebook status, in hopes of someone contacting you.
Lots of LOVE and Prayers coming from Kingston, Ontario.
My heart, thoughts, and prayers will continue for this family.
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